A Ski boots re the single most important component of your ski setup, and it’s worth spending extra time and energy to get the right boot with the right fit. Your boots are your only way of translating your body’s intentions to your skis, so a precise fit is important for control and performance. By the same token, ski boot shells are made of hard plastic, so conflicts between the shape of your feet and the shape of your boots can cause fit problems. The goal in ski boot fitting is to find a size and shape that you’ll be comfortable in without compromising too much performance.
Everyone’s foot is unique, and regardless of what some bootfitters will tell you there is no one “right” way to fit boots. The size, shape, flex, and features of your ideal boot will vary depending on ability level, aspirations, height and weight, frequency of days on the hill, and other factors. Because of their construction and the job they have to perform, ski boots will never be as comfortable as street shoes and you shouldn’t try to fit them the same way. Remember that the foam used for padding inside the boot will compress with use, so what seems like a very snug fit in a new boot will become more relaxed after just a few days of skiing. Here are some things you’ll want to consider when choosing ski boots.